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All Women Are Women

Stefanie grew up as a man. Today she is a woman. A super-woman. Or is she?

Transwoman often face discrimination and challenges along their paths becoming a woman.

This project takes a look at being trans in the European Union, Ukraine and in Azerbaijan.

And what it takes to be a women.

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Super [Un]Usual

It is not about to define what a superwoman is.

We do not want to create more stereotypes or tell women what they are supposed to be or do – society already does a pretty good job at this.

“Superness” lies in everyday situations and every female. This story will introduce you to 4 different (but not so different) women. You will learn about their personal stories and get to see the power they show in their everyday life.

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But Can They Drive?

Female taxi drivers are still a rare sight. They face a growing demand by female customers, but also persisting male stereotypes.

Taxis in many countries are operated by men. This story explores the situation of the few women in the industry. What are their experiences? Why did they choose this profession? Is there a market for female-only taxis? And why are there so few women who become taxi drivers?

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Mighty Midwives

Midwives bring life. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared 2020 the year of nurses and midwives, both professions mainly dominated by women. In Austria there is more than 2200 midwives of which only two are male.

Midwifery is one of the oldest occupations, as women have always assisted each other during childbirth. Midwives are with the pregnant women when they are most vulnerable and provide guidance and support. They protect, build trust, and empower women throughout their pregnancy.

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