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The new “reality” in European politics

The rise of artificial intelligence, particularly in the form of deepfake technology, raises significant concerns about its impact on democracy. The question arises: will AI and democracy always be at odds due to the potential for deepfakes to spread misinformation? Or is there a way for AI to actually support and enhance democratic processes? A multimedia reportage on AI, politics, and our new reality.

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Are we safe in Europe?

Amidst escalating regional tensions and ongoing Russian aggression, Poland has launched “Holidays with the Army” to train young adults in essential military skills. Poland, a key NATO member, allocates the highest percentage of its GDP to defence, highlighting its dedication to regional stability and security.  This raises questions about whether all EU nations should independently strengthen their military capabilities or rely on NATO’s collective defence.

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OFFTRACK: Expensive tickets and the future of passenger transportation in the EU

Delays, long travel times, and expensive tickets. The European Railways passenger transport faces many problems. With plane tickets nowadays much cheaper than the train and more roads being built than tracks, the question arises about how serious the EU is really about making the train the core mean of passenger transport.

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Operation Identity – Exploring Ukrainian Refugee’s Connection to their Homeland

This is the story of three Ukrainian refugees who are forced to grapple with the importance of their national identity because of relocation. Anastasiia, a young artist, is choosing to let go of her roots to try and numb the pain of war. Meanwhile, Lisa and Alla, two workers at a refugee center, have decided to go in the opposite direction and focus their efforts on traditions and language to keep in touch with their culture.

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Looking for a safe place – How refugees live after arriving in the European Union

Almost two years ago, on February 24, 2022, the invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops began. Many people were forced to leave the country or move to the west immediately. According to the UNHCR, 13.7 million Ukrainians have left their country since that February, 6.4 have since returned to Ukraine. The destination for many are countries in the European Union. A story about the situation of refugees in the European Union, based on data, personal stories and assessments of people working in refugee aid. It shows that the difficulties for refugees often do not end with arrival in a safe country.

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Homeless in Europe

In the EU homelessness has more than doubled within the past 15 years. At the moment, there are almost 895,000 people who are homeless. Therefore, the EU has set a 2030 deadline to eradicate homelessness, mostly through housing-led initiatives.

As of right now, the only EU nations that have made any progress in decreasing homelessness are Finland and Denmark. While Austria has made substantial strides in reducing homelessness, still, the country’s consistently high rate of homeless people remains concerning – like in the rest of the EU’s member states.

Consequently, what is Austria lacking? And will the Finnish model continue to be the exception, or will the EU be able to improve the lives of around 900.000 people in just six years?

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Shaping Europe of Tomorrow – Young Voices from Georgia to Denmark

Recent research highlights a hesitancy among EU citizens towards expanding borders, with ten nations awaiting a decision. In this process, the younger generation is actively influencing the future course of the European Union and have the ability to match choices to the ideals and goals of the diverse populace that will shape the future of the continent.

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